- The basking shark is Britain’s largest fish, growing up to 11 metres long and weighing up to seven tonnes - about the size and weight of a double-decker bus!
- Cuttlefish are relatives of squid and octopuses. They are predators, living out in water up to 200 metres deep but coming into shallow, weedy waters to breed.
- Hermit crabs live inside the empty shells of snail-like animals, particularly whelks and periwinkles.
- A beautiful starfish, usually orangey in colour with bands of paler yellow and richer red on the legs. Covered with small spines.
- The bottlenose dolphin is a large stocky dolphin around 2.5-3.0m in length. They have a large sickle shaped fin and they can leap right out of the water.
- The common dolphin is also known as the short-beaked common dolphin and is one of the smallest of the dolphins, measuring 2.1 - 2.4 metres in length.
- The Jewel anemone is a beautiful sea creature with spectacular colours varying from bright green, red, orange, pink and white and has a smooth column.
- The killer whale (Orcinus orca) or orca, is a very striking creature, black on the back and sides with its white belly extending as a rear pointing lobe up the flanks. It has a conspicuous white oval patch above and behind the eye, and a grey saddle on the back just behind the fin.
- The long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas), is a medium-sized whale, with a bulbous forehead and a short, almost imperceptible beak.
- This jellyfish is transparent and grows up to 40cm wide. It is shaped like an umbrella and has short hair-like tentacles around the edges, and four rings towards centre.
- The Short-snouted Seahorse has its name because it has a head shaped like a horse and it has a short nose that is slightly upturned.
- Tompot Blenny (Parablennius gattorugine) a medium-sized elongated, large-headed, large-eyed fish found in crevices amongst rocks below the low tide line.