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Britain’s Wildlife!

#12 – The Common Frog

ARC Trust

Our Wildlife Spot

Common Sun-starThe common sun-star (Crossaster papposus) is a distinctive sun-like starfish, with about 10 to 12 relatively short ‘legs’, up to 35 cm across. A beautiful starfish, usually orangey in colour with bands of paler yellow and richer red on the legs. Covered with small spines. Photo by Paul Naylor

Make Your Garden Insect Friendly

Make Your Garden Insect Friendly

If you have a garden that is large enough for you to have a small patch of ‘waste ground’, allow native wild plants to grow. Nettles in your garden will support a number of butterfly and moth species but should be in full sun to attract butterflies.

Please take a peek at our community

ARC - Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Mammal Society
Marine Conservation Society
Bat Conservation Trust
Sea Watch Foundation
Royal Entomological Society
Peoples Trust for Endangered Species
Hawk and Owl Trust
The Barn Owl Trust
Butterfly Conservation Trust
British Hedgehog Preservation Society